baileparóiste dlítoghroinn
An Uaimh
ginideach: na hUaimhe


uaimh, óin, ón
Béarla cave, souterrain

Nóta mínithe

  • Gaeilge

    the cave (? < Odhbha, nach léir brí dó)
    Tá de chosúlacht idir An Uaimh agus B, PO Ceanannas (q.v.) gur athraíodh an t-ainm Béarla a bhí ar an dá bhaile i dtosach an 20ú haois. Is amhlaidh a cuireadh An Uaimh in ionad Navan sa bhliain 1922. Cuireadh Navan ar ais i 1970. Dealraíonn sé, óna bhfuil scríofa ag Diarmuid Ó Murchadha in alt dar teideal ‘Odhbha and Navan’ san irisleabhar Ríocht na Mídhe (1992–3), gur as an sean-logainm Odhbha a tháinig An Uaimh. Seo achoimre Uí Mhurchadha ar éirim na haiste s’aigesean:
    ‘The moat near Navan was originally a prehistoric burial mound called Odhbha. In early Christian times it was used as a fortified residence by local Gaelic tribes and from the ninth century occasionally by Vikings. The Normans made it into a motte and bailey fortification in 1176. A 12th century monastery built near it adopted its name, (n)Odhbha(n), as Novan, and this became the recognised name of the nearby town in Latin and English, changing to Navan in the 16th century. Speakers of Irish replaced Odhbha with a slightly different word, An Uamha or An Uaimh.’


53.6444, -6.69946domhanleithead, domhanfhad
Eangach na hÉireann (le litir)
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Eangach na hÉireann (gan litir)
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Trasteilgean Mercator na hÉireann (ITM)
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Tagairtí stairiúla

Villa de Novan
Carta Michaelis filli Gilberti … una acra terre in Villa de Novan … et symon Offannin … ju8xta domum quondam Dermotii Hoordan … Ardbrekan … Movan Portam Dublinie Reg. St. John 255
Reg. St. Jn. B.
del Novan
Patent Roll 5 Richard II <br> Similar APPOINTMENT [as in §233] of the followings persons as keepers of the peace in the following baronies in co. Meath, viz.: ... John Naungle and John Golding in [the barony of] Navan [del Novan] (Cal. ICR (
Cal. ICR
John Okearwill, priest, To the abbot of Novan ... the church of Killalon, IV 313-314
Novan (monastery of St. Mary ...)
Robert Brattan, canon Meath VI 74-83 To Robert Brattan, Augustinian canon of the monastery of St. Mary, Novan, in the diocese of Meath. Dispensation on account of his illegitimacy, as the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman, to hold dignities, even if abbatial and elective, administrations or offices of his order. Religionis zelus, vite etc.
Richard Whyte, priest Meath VI 398-410 To Richard Whyte, priest, of the diocese of Meath. Reservation of a benefice with or without cure, wont to be assigned to secular clerks, value not exceeding 25 or 18 marks accordingly, in the common or several gift of the bishop of Meath and the Augustinian prior and convent of Lanto [ney] Prima in Wales, in the diocese of St. Davids, provided that it be not a canonry and prebend in a cathedral church. Vite ac morum. Concurrent mandate to the bishop of Todi and the abbots of trym and Novan in the diocese of Meath. Vite etc.
de Nouania
VII 125-131 To the archdeacon of Clonfert. Mandate to inform himself as to the merits of Donatus Yhaingyn, Augustinian canon of St. Mary's, Navan (de Nouania), in the diocese of Clonfert, who says that he has made his profession, and is the son of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman and that, on account of the maladministration or neglect of its abbots and other misfortunes the said monastery's means and revenues and its builidings are destroyed, and, if he find him fit, to make provision to him of the same, value not exceeding 16 marks, void by the death of Thomas; provided that at the present date provision of the monastery has not been already made. Solicite consideracionis. (Franciscus. lx. Septimo Kal. Frebuarii (sic) Anno Secundo. de Agello.)
Navan (Abbey of the B. V. Mary) CPCR 56 (Morrin) Wafre (Abbot) Thomas
Novan … in Smermore and Horleston CPCR 64 (Morrin) Wafre (Pension of £15 to … late Abbot of… ) Thomas
the Novan
… The myll of Aghirsketh … The millis of Ole Rosse and Rossponde …The manor of Ardmulghan sett to John Feld … the Novan. Crown Survey 235
Crown Surv.
the Novan
Grant to Robert Dyllon, of Phulpotiston, county Meath, gentleman … of the site of the priory of St. Peter of the Newton, near Trym, the lands andtithes of Newton, Kyllthombe, Cloyneboynaghe, Shirlokeston, and Rathnally; of the said site and lands, the tithes being excepted; Dunkenny. and Hunteslande, possessions of the monastery of St. John the Baptist of the Newetowne, near Trym ; one messuage, and Robenrath, in Novan, parcel of the possessions of the abbey of St. Mary of the Novan ; Branganston, parcel of the possessions of John Burnell, attainted; Dalltonston, county Meath, parcel of the possessions of Christopher Ewstace, attainted. To hold for ever by the service of a twentieth part of a knight's fee FHen. 156
Lease to John Brokes. of Novan, gent. ; of the site of the abbey of the B.V.M., of Novan, county Meath ; lands of Novan, Angevilston, the grange by Foghanhill, Knockamore. Deraneston, Ballynevan, Rathloghe, Athlomney, Slane, Balreske, Ardbrackan, Fynokeston, Donamore, Ardmulghan, and Kenles ;rectories of Novan, Clamadiffe, Ardbrackan, and Kilshynne, county Meath. FHen. 252
CPCR 135 (Surrender of the abbey or house of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of Navan, in the county of Meath, by Thomas Wafre, Abbot, with the consent of the Convent, and of all its possessions in the counties of Meath, Louth, Dublin, Kildare, and Curlew—July 19, 31°.)
CPCR 153 (Morrin) Cusake (And it appearing by another inquisition taken at Novane, in the county of Meath, be fore Gerald Ayllmer, Chief Justice ; Thomas Cusake, Master of the Rolls; and Robert Dyllone, Attorney-General, Commissioners, on Friday next before the Feast of Saint Patrick, I Edward VI., that the said late Earl was seised in fee tail of the manors of Black Castle and Donamore, 4 acres arable, 240 acres pasture, in the county of Meath)
CPCR (Morrin) 162 Wackley (61. Pardon of John Wackley, of Nowan, in the county of Meath, Gentleman P-Feb. 20, 2°.
CPCR (Morrin) 237 Everard (24.. Pardon of Patrick Everard, of Clonegall, gent. ;Patrick Bedlowe, Vicar of Clonekyne; Redmond Ledvyche, of Dunaghpat rycke, chaplain ; and Nicholas Mann, of Novan, yeoman ,- for having alienated 9 messuages and 160 acres, with their appurtenances in Hayeston, held of the manor of Ardmulghan, in the county of Meath, without the licence of the Crown.—April 16, 5°.)
Nowane, Wilkenston CPCR (Morrin) 295 46. Pardon of Richard Roynaghane, of Nowane, barber; and Thomas M‘Shee, of Wilkenston, cottier.—Feb. 8,7°.
(Richard Netterville)
Livery of the possessions of Thomas de Angelo, otherwise Nangle, Baron of Novan...
the Navan
Commission to… John Wackly, of the Navan F 6786
the Nawane
Sir Thos. Barnewall, Sir Patrick Hwsse, Patrick Nangle Baron of the Nawane, and other gentlemen of Meath to the Queen. CSPI (1509‒1573) 207
(John Wakely)
the Navan (John Wakley)
Petition of John Wakley, of the Navan, in the County of Meath, to the Queen, for the fee farm of St. Mary's, in Louth, the monastery of St. Mary, in Meath, and the manors of Demour and Derver, in Meath, all which he has at present on lease CSPI (1509‒1573) 274
the Navon
Commission to Patrick Bathe, of Rathfeigh, esq., » sheriff of Meathe, or other sheriff for the time being, Christopher Darcy, of Platton, John Plunkett, of Loghcrewe, Christopher Plunkett, of Carlanston, Michael Delahyde, of Ballentre, Thomas Darcy, of Logher, Arthur Brereton, of Kyllean, and Roger Wafre, of the Navon, same co., gentlemen; to execute martial law in the county Meathe, F 1835
Grant …to Ralph Norwiche, gent. ; of the wardship and marriage of Andrew Waringe, son and heir of John Warringe, late of Novan, co. Meath, gent. ; and custody of his lands. To hold during minority. F 3919
the Novane
Lease…to Wm. Uscher, of Dublin, gent. ; of the rectory of Donamore near the Novane, co. Meath, parcel of the possessions of the abbey of S. Thomas the martyr, Dublin. F 4363
Deed…whereby Tho. Plunkett of Balrod, gent, son and heir of Oliver Plunket, deceased, son and heir of Thomas Plunket, late of Balreske…foeffee of sir Thomas Nangle…baron of Novan… CPR 326-7
the Navan
Warren of the Navan Warren of Warrenston Descr. Ir. 99
Descr. Ir.
the Novane
58. Demise whereby Christopher Darcie, of Platten, in the county of Meath, granted and conveyed to Edmond Darcie the towns and lands of Balreiske, by the Novane and Halton, in the parish of Churchtowne, by Ratayne ; … the mill of Stidalte. “ And I, the said Christopher … Christopher all such interest and years as he had by the demise of his mother, Dame Jennett Tute, upon Stidalte, Kilbreckston, the Resting Place, and White Leeys …1576. CPCR (Morrin II) 535
the Navan
Pardon to Tho. Warren, of the Navan, gent. Rich. O Hone, his servant. F 6394
the Navan
Pardon to Tho. Warren, of the Navan, gent, and Katherine Madden, of Waterford, spinster. F 6410
the Navan
Lease to Thomas Asshe, esq... two houses in the Navan, co. Meath, of the possessions of David Sutton, attainted… F 6643
the Novan
Pardon to…Phelim O Reilie, of Clonebreny, co. Meath, John Plunckett fitz Tho., of the Novan, same co., Oliver Plunckett fitz Chr., of Kells, same co., Brien M'Shane, of Ballennucke, same co., Patr. Linch m'Cale duffe, of Kilskyrr, same co., Nich. Gibnie, of Killalone, same co., Cale and Hugh m'Mullmorie O Reilie, of Castelcorr, James Dalie m'Teig, of Balltrasnie, F 6661
the Navan
General Pardon to…Rorie Birne of the Navan, yeoman CPR 46
the Navan
The Examynacion of Breyan O Relly of NewCastle in the Com of Meath, yeoman taken before vs the 3d of 9ber 1641 <O> Whoe saith that he Came to the Cittie of dublin on friday the 22th of 8ber last aboute the fall of the Eveninge of the same day And that he, Liueth with his ffather in Lawe Henry Beatagh of NewCastle aforesaid, whoe is married to this Examynants mother, And this Examynant further saith that there Came not any bodie in his Companie fr to dublin, And that the Night before his Cominge he lodged at the Navan, And this Examinant further <P:> saith that his Buissines or occation of Cominge to dublin, as aforesaid, was, with intent to goe ouerseas as a souldier, hopeinge by that Course, to rayse his fortunes Depositions MS 809, fols 084r-
Dep. 1641
the Novan, Novan
fol. 97r <br> 150 Charles Crafford of the Novan … was robbed and spoyled by … Nettervile of Blackcastle near Novan gent, Robert Nettervile of Knockcumber near Novan gent … with Thomas Delahide of Novan … in the tone Towne of Killeene… he was robbed… by at lest Threescore of the Inhabitants of Killeene … Richard Painter of Novan was robbed by Thomas Durra of Novan… and all by all the Inhabitants of the Kannan Roe of Novan … Robert Nettervile of Knockcumber … Thomas Nettervile of Black <D> castle, Robert Nettervile of Knockcumber … Laurance Dowdall of Athlumny Esquire.. fol. 97v … John Warren of Churchtowne near Novan … George Nangle of Ardsalle near Novan gent … Charles [mark] Crafford his mark jurat 22 Januar 1641 Depositions MS 816, fols 097r-098v
Dep. 1641
the Novan, Novan
fol. 132r <br> Roger Puttocke of the Novan … was robbed and dispoyled … depositions of William Robinson and Charles Cranford of Novan formerly taken … This deponent is dispossest of two farmes, Shanbo, and Clonemalevin, near Novan … The intrest of Tulkanstowne and Ballinardan … On the lands of young Mr Ledwich of Cookstowne near Kells … the Lands of Boyardstowne near Novan… On the 60 acres of Land neare Nealstowne … On Tankerdrath near Novan disburst, to the Landlord Alex: Plunkett … On John ffitzwaters Land of Dunnamore … On George Cusack of Angelstowne his said farme of Angelstown e … On that part of the Abey Land… One at Arbrackan bought of Rob: White of Boyardstown …the Rectory of Kentstowne … At Ballreske Cormuck Neal <br> Depositions MS 816, fols 132r-133v
Dep. 1641
Inq. C I:AL Leathanach: Mí084,1
An Odhbha, 'called from Ova, the first wife of Heremon'
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí084,1
dúch dearg:AL Leathanach: Mí084,1
Larkin (Mí):AL Leathanach: Mí084,1
HCSV:AL Leathanach: Mí084,1
HCER 1826:AL Leathanach: Mí084,1
DS:AL Leathanach: Mí084,1
Inq. Eliz. I:AL Leathanach: Mí084,1
Inq. J I:AL Leathanach: Mí084,1

Aire: Cáipéisíocht áirithe chartlainne de chuid an Bhrainse Logainmneacha í seo. Léirítear anseo cuid de réimse thaighde an Bhrainse Logainmneacha ar an logainm seo thar na blianta. D'fhéadfadh sé nach taifead iomlán é agus nach bhfuil aon rangú in ord bailíochta déanta ar an bhfianaise atá ann. Is ar an tuiscint seo atá an t-ábhar seo á chur ar fáil don phobal.

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