hill or hills
Cnoc an Tí
genitive: Chnoc an Tí
non-validated name (What is this?)

Explanatory note

  • Gaeilge

    the hill of the house, habitation, dwelling

    I bhfianaise an bhlúirín seanchais a luaitear in Ainmleabhair na gCnoc, ní féidir Cnoc an tSí “the hill of the fairy mound” a chur as an áireamh go hiomlán mar bhunfhoirm. (JÓG)

  • English

    the hill of the house, habitation, dwelling

    Given the information provided in the Ordnance Survey Hill Drawing Namebooks, Cnoc an tSí “the hill of the fairy mound” cannot be completely ruled out as a possible original form for this name. (JÓG)


55.1232, -7.95552latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)

Historical references

Desc. Rem.:AL [Faymore]
Crǒckateé (so pronounced)
ALCnoc Rec. Name
Cnǒc a Tigh
ALCnoc Rec. Name
Crock a tee
ALCnoc On Sheet
Crock a tee
ALCnoc Charles Lafferty
Crock a tee
ALCnoc James Grant
Crockatee signifies either the house hill or the fairy hill. This is the old name of the hill and takes its name either from some ancient dwelling on it or from its being the haunt of fairies. The latter is said to be the case.
ALCnoc 6th June 1945 Thomas Fagan.
mo chró beag ag bun Chnoc a' Tighe
Tá'n Mhucaise mhór ar taobh shiar de/ Faoi nealtaí leath-bhealaigh go bun/ Tá Caisleán Mhic Suibhne taobh thoir de/ Ar bhruach glas cuan Caorach na dtonn/ Tá'n cuilinn 's caorthann 's fuinnseóg/ 's aiteannach glas na mbláth mbuidhe/ 'n aghaidh doininn dubh Gheimhridh mar ghárda/ In mo chró beag ag bun Chnoc a' Tighe
BNS Imleabhar 1099, Leathanach 150

Please note: Some of the documentation from the archives of the Placenames Branch is available here. It indicates the range of research contributions undertaken by the Branch on this placename over the years. It may not constitute a complete record, and evidence may not be sequenced on the basis of validity. It is on this basis that this material is made available to the public.

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