An Rí
genitive: na Rí
Blackford Stream

Explanatory note

  • Gaeilge

    (An) — ainm abhann

    Tagraíonn 1549 ‘Bunry’ < Bun Rí “mouth of the Rí” don áit a mbuaileann an sruthán Blackford Stream SO leis an mBearú in oirdheisceart an bhaile fearainn. Tugtar 1654 ‘the river Bunry’ ar an abhainn féin sa chur síos ar theorainn na barúntachta seo ach cf. 1555c ‘Ravege’, 1654 ‘Ryebegg’ < (An) Rí Bheag “the little Rí”.

    Ritheann Blackford Stream aniar aneas ar theorainn bf Portree / Port Rí (La) ag bun na habhann agus comhraiceann sí leis an mBearú i gcúinne thoir thuaidh an bf.

    Ainm abhann comónta is ea An Rí (CD/; /Dn), Abhainn Rí (CC, CM, /CC).

Historical references

Féach Bunry, Ryebegg (1654)
Carrigan MS Imleabhar: 46, Leathanach: 53
Ravege, a brook called
Féach Ryebegg (1654)
F Leathanach: 6786
Glasshorte?, the brook of
'.... to the Blake ford' .i. cuid de Blackford Stream SO
F Leathanach: 6786
the river Bunry
'river of Barrow ...'
CS X Leathanach: 20
Ryebegg, the river called
cuid de Blackford Stream SO
CS VIII Leathanach: 84
Ryebegg, brooke called
cuid de Blackford Stream SO
CS VIII Leathanach: 84
bf Portree / Port Rí
CGn. Imleabhar: 63.459.44395
The Blackford stream runs along the Southern (sic), Derrybrock the northern border, they both fall into the Barrow
s.v. Portree
Desc. Rem.:AL Imleabhar: La021, Leathanach: 17
Blackford stream
p Curraclone

Please note: Some of the documentation from the archives of the Placenames Branch is available here. It indicates the range of research contributions undertaken by the Branch on this placename over the years. It may not constitute a complete record, and evidence may not be sequenced on the basis of validity. It is on this basis that this material is made available to the public.

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