population centre
Crois na Mná Rialta
genitive: Chrois na Mná Rialta
Nun's Cross


crois, cros
English cross; crossroads

Explanatory note

  • Gaeilge

    Bhí traidisiún láidir ann go raibh clochar sa cheantar seo agus dá bharr is mó an chosúlacht go mbaineann Nun's Cross leis sin, agus ní leis an sloinne Nunn. (Cf. 'The Liam Price Notebooks' iml. i (221-222), eag. Christian Corlett and Mairéad Weaver. Dept of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht).

  • English

    There was a strong tradition of an nunnery in this area and therefore it is likelier that Nun's Cross is from that rather than the surname Nunn. (Cf. 'The Liam Price Notebooks' vol. i (221-222), eds. Christian Corlett and Mairéad Weaver. Dept of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht).


53.0161, -6.12525latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)

Historical references

Nunscross Church
GJR 1823-24
Nunscross Br.
SO 6"
Nun's Cross
SO 25"

Please note: Some of the documentation from the archives of the Placenames Branch is available here. It indicates the range of research contributions undertaken by the Branch on this placename over the years. It may not constitute a complete record, and evidence may not be sequenced on the basis of validity. It is on this basis that this material is made available to the public.

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