Cill an Chrosaire
genitive: Chill an Chrosaire
non-validated name (What is this?)

Streetnames, road names, names of buildings, etc.

Local authorities are responsible for the provision of the correct Irish and English forms of the streetnames in each area. The Placenames Branch provides advice to the local authorities upon request. See Streetnames: Guidelines and Streetnames: Guidelines (Summary 2022).

As a rule the Irish streetname on has been provided by the relevant local authority and may be subject to future validation.


English church

Explanatory note

  • English

    A relatively modern name. This area west of Sandyford was still undeveloped on the Ordnance Survey revised map of 1936–7. The Placenames Branch was asked to provide an Irish name for the housing estate of Kilcross in 1984. A church site is marked in Balally townland which is adjacent to this relatively new housing development. The original name of this church is unknown; it was already in ruins at the time of the Civil Survey (1654–7). The new name of Kilcross was probably inspired by this old church site and Cill an Chrosaire, ‘the church of (at) the crossroads’, is a suitable Irish version.

  • English

    Ainm réasúnta nua. Níl aon fhorbairt le sonrú sa cheantar seo lastoir d'Áth an Ghainimh ar léarscáil athbhreithnithe na Suirbhéireachta Ordanáis (1936–7). Iarradh ar an mBrainse Logainmneacha leagan Gaeilge d'ainm an eastáit tithíochta Kilcross a sholáthar i 1984. Tá láthair eaglasta léirithe sa bhaile fearainn Baile Amhlaoibh atá lámh leis an bhforbairt tithíochta nua seo. Ní fios bunainm an teampaill seo; bhí sé ina fhothracha faoi aimsir an Civil Survey (1654–7). Is cosúil gurb í an tseanláthair eaglasta seo a spreag an t-ainm nua seo Kilcross agus is oiriúnach an leagan Gaeilge é Cill an Chrosaire, ‘the church of (at) the crossroads’, dá bharr sin.


53.2734, -6.23297latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)

Archival records

scanned image

Please note: Some of the documentation from the archives of the Placenames Branch is available here. It indicates the range of research contributions undertaken by the Branch on this placename over the years. It may not constitute a complete record, and evidence may not be sequenced on the basis of validity. It is on this basis that this material is made available to the public.

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