population centre
genitive: Chorra
validated name (What is this?)


English round hill, pointed hill, hollow; pointed, conspicuous, odd


52.1875, -9.49162latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)


POThere is or was once a post office here

Archival records

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Historical references

Cárta Currach S.Mac A. Tá Currow Hill ar O.S. 48 (Eagrán 1898) 1 ½ mile ón sráidbhaile Currow. Tá sé sin suite i mBlte f. Curracitty, Currabanefield agus Currknockaun. Níl Currow Vel, ná Currow Hill in OSNB agus is é atá in OSNB dos na bailte thuas ná “Corra Cnocán”, “Currach Bán” agus “Curra, a weir, city is not Irish.” Corú sa chaint – An Seabhac 1958. Tá Currow i mb.f. Ranalough láimh le Flesk Br. c.1m ó thuaidh ó Currow Hill, Currabanefield etc. Cloonclogh School ½ mhíle ó thuaidh dhe. R.C. Chapel taobh leis. O.S. 48 [1898] (ní par. Cait. Currow) [Corú] béim ar an gcéad shiolla. Ta Curra mar ainm ar ghualainn cnoic i nDún Chaoin. Ta Páirc na Curra ann leis. (Seosamh Ó Dálaigh, litir 1958) “The Catholic Church at Currans was built in 1829 by the Revd. David O’Dwyer; he built a residence at Clydane, but later lived at Killeentierna.” (King, Hist. of Kerry.) “The Protestant church at Killeentierna were (sic) built in 1814 and burned in 1880 – ibid lth 19?
Cárta Deir muintir na háite go raibh Beairic RIC i “Currow” agus gur doghadh é 1920 (mar a bhfuil tigh “Egan” anois) Níl a tuairisc le fáil i gcáipéis ná ar léarscáil. Níl “Currow” marcáilte ar chor ar bith ar léarscáil 1841-2 ná ar Fair plan. Níl aon eolas faoina shuíomh in OSNB. Níl sé ar an DS bar. map. Bhí seanfhear ½ mile ó dheas ón mBaile “Currow” den dtuairim gur ó áth san abhainn a baisteadh é. B’fhéidir gur ó shean-leabhair staire a bhí aige a fuair sé an tuairim sin. Ba chuimhin le fear as Curracitty rinnce a bheith ar siúl gach Domhnach ar bharr an chnoic Curra Hill agus daoine ag teacht ón gceantar ar fad chomh fada le hOileán Ciarraí uaireanta. Tá déanamh an-shuaithinseach ar an gcnoc so. Airde 730 troigh. Tá an barr leibhéalta.
Cárta ‘Sa Revision Name Book (48) den bhliain 1893 atá “Currow”le fáil den chéad uair mar ainm ar an mbaile agus Currow Hill ar an gcnoc 1 ½ mile ó dheas uaidh. Tá an nóta seo leo araon ar leathanaigh éagsúla. “This name is a corruption of “Curragh” meaning ‘Conical Hill’”. Tá pointe Triantánachta ar bharr Curra Hill. “I think you need have no hesitation in putting down Cora = weir. It is on the Brown Flesk, a great place for salmon fishing and weirs. Not far off is another hamlet called Currans which to be diminutive plural of the same word cora, Na Coríní. I think that Dinneen, p. 250, quoting N.Y. is wrong here.” (Litir ón Ath. J. O’Connell 1961). 'An Chorr, 'the Sugar Loaf, east of Dingle; dim. coirrín, giving Na Coirríní townland S.E. of Tralee (N.Y.); generally pronounced and often written corra' Dinneen. Corr, fem., round hill etc. dim. coirrín, giving Na Coirríní, Currans td. 8m. s.e. of Tralee (N.Y.) Guly. Pron. and oft. written corra, al. córr; stmes. masc. Dinneen 250 A
ˈkorə, ˌkorəˈparəʃ
Áit. Cainteoir: 1, Uimhir : MDCi3
ˈkorə ˈparəʃ
Áit. Cainteoir: 007, Uimhir : 170717
an dara cainteoir
Áit. Uimhir : 170713, Cainteoir: 002
ˈkoroː, ˈkorə
Áit. Uimhir : 170713, Cainteoir: 002

Please note: Some of the documentation from the archives of the Placenames Branch is available here. It indicates the range of research contributions undertaken by the Branch on this placename over the years. It may not constitute a complete record, and evidence may not be sequenced on the basis of validity. It is on this basis that this material is made available to the public.

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