Trá Bhréige
genitive: Thrá Bhréige
Trawbreaga Bay


English strand, beach


55.2859, -7.29169latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)

Archival records

scanned imagescanned imagescanned imagescanned image

Historical references

Survey Ulst. 170
Crow Inishowen D835/1/1/78
The name Strawbreaga is very much corrupted and I think that we should restore the proper spelling. Strawbreaga is an arm of the sea which divides the parishes of Clonmany and Donagh from Clonca and which when the tide is out, is a strand of considerable extent. Colgan styled it the estuary of Traigh Brége about two centuries ago and all the old Irish inhabitants of Clonmany and Clonca state that the true name is Tráigh Bréige, that is the deceitful or lying strand, an appellation which it has received from its waters having suddenly and unexpectedly drowned many persons by the rapidity of the flowing of its tide. The inhabitants say that person walking on this strand when the tide is flowing in in the course of 5 minutes often find themselves surrounded by water that it is with great difficulty the can escape. This is the true reason why this strand has obtained the appellation of Traw Bréaga or the deceitful strand. This meaning is further corroborated by that of a river in the County of Kilkenny, which in the summer season is but a mere streamlet but the mountains in which it a and its tributary streams have there source often break the pregnant clouds so that the little runnel is suddenly swelled to such a height that it often sweeps away men and cattle
LSO (DG) 31 (OD)

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