Com na gCapall
genitive: Chom na gCapall
non-validated name (What is this?)
Horses Glen


English hollow, coomb

Archival records

scanned image

Historical references

'Was it ever called Com an Chapaill?' BOC; 'It was, ...' FD
Áit. Cainteoir: FD, Uimhir : T289a2
Áit. Cainteoir: FD, Uimhir : T289a2
də ˈhɑrsəz ˈglen
Áit. Cainteoir: RD, Uimhir : T289a1
'Did you ever hear it [The Horses Glen] called Com na gCapall?' BOC; 'No' JL
De réir an ábhair a taifeadadh i 1970 i bf Ghort Droma Ciarrai, ba í foghraíocht JL ba chóngaraí don Ghaeilge.
Áit. Cainteoir: JL, Uimhir : T289b1
'... we ever called it'
Áit. Cainteoir: DSG, Uimhir : T289b2

Please note: Some of the documentation from the archives of the Placenames Branch is available here. It indicates the range of research contributions undertaken by the Branch on this placename over the years. It may not constitute a complete record, and evidence may not be sequenced on the basis of validity. It is on this basis that this material is made available to the public.

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