baile fearainn
Saint John's Rath


53.7627, -6.77764domhanleithead, domhanfhad
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Taifid chartlainne

íomhá scanáilte

Tagairtí stairiúla

Saynt Johns Rath
[Priory or hospital of St. John near Kellys]... near Staholmoke
Ir. Mon. Poss.
St John's Rathe by Stahalmoke
Lease to William Dermor ; of the site of the hospital of St. John by Kenlys, county Meath ; lands of Kenlys, Moylagh, and St. John's Rathe by Stahalmoke ; rectories of St. John of Kelles, Dessardkeran, Stonehall, and Durvaghe, county Meath. To hold for twenty-one years, FHen. 265
S. John's Rathe by Stahalmok
<br>and at S. John's Rathe by Stahalmok, county Meath, <br> 13s. 4J. rent from Balf’s lands, in Corieston, <br> 6*. 8cl. from Plunket's lands in Dromberagh, county Meath ; rectories of S. John's of Kelles, Dysserkeran, Stonehall, and Durvaghe, <br> the lands of Ballenegrange, and Balnecley (written over Kylmacaylle crossed out) county Westmeath, parcel of the possessions of the late monastery, of B.Y.M., by Trym ; the site of the house of friars of Loncurt, county Westmeath, with appurtenances. To hold for 21 years, at a rent of .£14 10s. for the possessions of the hospital of S. John, £3 8s. 6d, for Ballynegraungeand F 868.
St John's rath
Grant to Edm. Medhopp, as assignee of lord Clannawley… The priory of St John’s near Kells….with…and 9 mess. In the occupation of Morrogh McKennell, James Mape, Geoffrey Lynche, Wm. Dormer Thomas O’Multellan and others, st John’s Rath near Stahalenock, Bayleff’s land in Choristown, Plunkett’s land in Drombaragh, the rectory and church of St John near Kells; Disearkearan, Stonehall, and Durvagh in said county and Westmeath. Moorton Curragh, late parcel…of the priory of St John, near Kells CPR 509
St Johns Rath
James Fleming of Stahalmocke, Irish Papist. <br> Bounded on the East with…Drakerath, on the West with Castletowne the Moore, on the North with Stahalmock & on the South with the Red Moore. CS V 310
St Johns Rath
st Johns==rath
James Fleming Ir: papt:
St. Johns Rath
Ja. ffleming Ir. pa. 90
St John's-Rath
6. CoL DANIEL REDMOND, exec' to Arthur Bell esq., of Kilkenny.- 1,, Stahalmock, 322 a… St. John’s-Rath 75a…Mullaghmore and Clogher…to hold these durinS r life of James, father to John Fleming, only.—Drakerath, 333 a…Castletownemoore, 122 a…Ardlonan, 203 a…Dryshock, 21 a… Reske, 50 a… Emlagh, 25 a…out of Oristowne or Tristowne, 60 a…bar. Kells, co. Meath. —to hold to ye uses of ye last will of said Bell, 20th May 1658 — °A rf- S - PHIL' HAKEIS „„d THO- MASIN SMALL widow—Thomastowne, 130 a. 2 r. 21. 12s. lOJd.—Marnelstowne, 84 a. 2r. 1/. 14s. 2Jd. for the life of James Fleming—to Harris for ever—Stahalmock (part), 18 a. 3 R. Is. 1 id. — to Small, for James Fleming’s life; same bar. and co Date 6th Dec. \9th year—Inrolled 1th Jan. 1667 ASE 130
St. John's Rath
28 JAS FLEMING of Stahalmock, co. Meath, esq Stahalmock (part), 260 a….Mulloghmore, Clogher and Rathglume, 153 a…St. John’s Rath, 75 a…Thomastowne, 130 a. Allcoggsland in Killbegg, 40 a.; bar. Kells, co. Meath. a mortgage or rentcharge in fee of 16/. a year, issuing out of Possixtowne, containing 454 a. (untill 160/. shall be paid); bar. Kells ASE 158
St. John's rath
1690 Joh’ Flemming Mil… fuit in actual’ rebellion contra Rege & Regin’… Stahalmuck, Mullaghmore, Clogher & Rathglin, St. John’s rath, Thomastowne, Alcog’s land in Killbegg, [ ]thoe & little Rath, & Killbeg… vocat’ Be[]land… Inq. Gul. & Mar. 1.
St John Rath
BS:AL Leathanach: Mí040,11
St John - Rath
Bar. Cons. (Tevlin):AL Leathanach: Mí040,11
St John Rath
HCSV:AL Leathanach: Mí040,11
St John Rath
DS:AL Leathanach: Mí040,11
St Johns
Inq. J I:AL Leathanach: Mí040,11
St Johns Rath
Inq. G. & M.:AL Leathanach: Mí040,11
Rath San Seón, 'rath or fort of St John'
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí040,11
Rath san Seon
pl:AL Leathanach: Mí040,11
St John's Rath
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí040,11

Aire: Cáipéisíocht áirithe chartlainne de chuid an Bhrainse Logainmneacha í seo. Léirítear anseo cuid de réimse thaighde an Bhrainse Logainmneacha ar an logainm seo thar na blianta. D'fhéadfadh sé nach taifead iomlán é agus nach bhfuil aon rangú in ord bailíochta déanta ar an bhfianaise atá ann. Is ar an tuiscint seo atá an t-ábhar seo á chur ar fáil don phobal.

Is féidir leas a bhaint as an ábhar cartlainne agus taighde atá curtha ar fáil ar an suíomh seo ach an fhoinse a admháil. Ní mór scríobh chuig chun cead athfhoilsithe nó saincheisteanna eile maidir le ceadanna nó cóipcheart a phlé.

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