


paróiste dlí

baile fearainn

baile fearainn


53.5265, -6.46088domhanleithead, domhanfhad
Eangach na hÉireann (le litir)
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Eangach na hÉireann (gan litir)
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Trasteilgean Mercator na hÉireann (ITM)
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Taifid chartlainne

íomhá scanáilte

Tagairtí stairiúla

Barnewall of Kilbrew Barnewall of Moylaghe Barnewall of Roeston Barnewall of Gerlonstone Barnewall of Caufelston Barnewall of Aronston Barnewall of Flemingston 1 Barnewall of Crackanston Barnewall of Robertston Barnewall of Staffordstone Descr. Ir. 97
Descr. Ir.
Krakanstowne (Capt. Christ. Barnewall)
fol. 108r <br> 135 George Boothe of Killglynn of the Parish of Bellfeaghan in the Barrony of Deise and County of Meath a Brittish Protestant deposeth as ffolloweth: … Thomas Geoghegan (whoe is this deponents Landlord) … Castle of Ballfeaghan … lost in his Rents which he had out of Killglynn and Peirstowne …Captaine Christopher Barnewall of Krakanstowne, James Garrott of Dunboyne and one Walter Moule of Donboyne Peirstowne, Thomas Creeffe of Ratoth … Jur: 23o ffebr 1641 Depositions MS 816, fols 108r-108v
Dep. 1641
Crakanstowne ( Christ. Barnewall of ... )
fol. 153r <br> ( Edmund Bloud of the parish & Barony of Dunboyne in the County of Meath, g a Brittish Protestant … By the meanes ofPlunkett of Killeene in the County of Meath Esquire <A> Patrick Barnewall of Killbrew Esquire Edmund Beetagh of Moynalty Esquire and a son of his, Edward Hussey of Mal-Hussey Esquire Edward Evers of Vesingstowne Gent: Saint-John Rochfort of Kilbride gent: Christopher Barnewall of Crakanstowne Gent. James Gerrott of Dunboyne, Gent. Patrick Pheypoe of the same gent: George Walsh & William Walsh of Balmacolly Depositions MS 816, fols 153r-153v
Dep. 1641
Crackanstowne (Christ. Barnwell of ...)
fol. 181r <br> John Prendergasse late of Sarney in the County of Meath and Edwin M Nash Late of Sarny in the County of Meath servants to Thomas Blowd gent … Christopher Barnwell of Crackanstowne in the County of Meath gentleman Edward Evers of Vesingstowne … Tho: Mowld and Walter Mowld of Esingtowne farmers, and others vizt, one Walter White &ffulchenan and divers others of the Barrony of Ratoth … Linch of the knock … James Garrett of Dunboyne … Nicholas Holliwood Masse preist of Dunboine, Christofer Gilchenan, and Edmond Gilchenan of Peirstowne the Millers sonns there, John Scurlock of Dunboyne … Depositions MS 816, fols 181r-181v
Dep. 1641
Cratenstowne (Jane Browne als. Barnwell)
fol. 119r <br> The examinacion of Jane Browne alias Barnwell of Cratenstowne in the County of Meath widdow Aged ffower & fforty yeares… or thereabouts beinge duely sworne sayeth … John Browne then living in ffarmwell in the County of Meath vnder the proteccion of the Garrison of Trym fol. 119v Depositions MS 813, fols 119r-119v
Dep. 1641
Larkin (Mí):AL Leathanach: Mí022,3
Craken, a family name
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí022,3
Baile Chráimhín
dúch:AL Leathanach: Mí022,3
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí022,3
Larkin (Mí):AL Leathanach: Mí050,3
GJRates (Old Docket): AL Leathanach: Mí050,3
HCSV:AL Leathanach: Mí050,3
DS:AL Leathanach: Mí050,3
Baile Chrucan
"(the 'u' being pronounced like 'i' in bit)." "Thomas Roony…Patrick Dowling did not know the Irish of this name." [Nóta OC]
OC:AL Leathanach: Mí050,3
Cracken, a family name
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí050,3
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí050,3

Aire: Cáipéisíocht áirithe chartlainne de chuid an Bhrainse Logainmneacha í seo. Léirítear anseo cuid de réimse thaighde an Bhrainse Logainmneacha ar an logainm seo thar na blianta. D'fhéadfadh sé nach taifead iomlán é agus nach bhfuil aon rangú in ord bailíochta déanta ar an bhfianaise atá ann. Is ar an tuiscint seo atá an t-ábhar seo á chur ar fáil don phobal.

Is féidir leas a bhaint as an ábhar cartlainne agus taighde atá curtha ar fáil ar an suíomh seo ach an fhoinse a admháil. Ní mór scríobh chuig chun cead athfhoilsithe nó saincheisteanna eile maidir le ceadanna nó cóipcheart a phlé.

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