Pointe Cheann na Searrach
genitive: Phointe Cheann na Searrach
Kinnasharragh Point


ceann, cionn
English head, headland

Historical references

Kinnesharrow Pt.
Ach tá sé seo ag 'Lenadoon Point' ar léirscáil Larkin.
Larkin (Sl) Leathanach:
[Pullaheeny Castle]
“ It stands at the mouth of a river called ‘Leaffany’ in the townland of Kinnasharough promontory or ‘Foals Head’. Concerning the origin of Kineasharaugh, the following tradition is still preserved and told with all the confidence that generally attaches itself to such superstitious stories. It is said that a mare came out of the sea and stopped with a man for 7 years, during which time she had 6 foals. The mare was standing one day at the man’s door where the woman of the house came out and struck her with some kind of rope she had in her hand, at which the mare set up a neighing and, all foals gathering about her, they went into the sea. Such is the origin Kinnasharaugh or ‘Foals’ Head’” [Desc. Rem.];
Desc. Rem.:AL
Kinnesharrow Point
Larkin (Sl):AL Leathanach: SL019,41
Kinnesharrow Point
Nimmo Map Killala Bay:AL Leathanach: SL019,41
Pointe cheann na searach
pl:AL Leathanach: SL019,41
Pointe cheann na searach, "point of the head of the foals"
OD:AL Leathanach (AL): SL019,41
Kinnasharragh Point
OD:AL Leathanach (AL): SL019,41
[Kinasharragh Point]
"N.W. point of parish & Rathlee townland" [Situation];
Situation:AL Leathanach: SL019,41
[Kinnasharragh Point]
"Concerning the origin of the name of this point, the following superstitious story is told. It is said that a mare came out of the sea & sta[i]d with a man for 7 years, during which time she had 6 foals. The mare was standing one day at the door when the woman of the house struck her with some kind of rope she had in her hand, at which the mare set up a neighing, and all her foals, gathering about her, they went into the sea, and never was heard of more. Such is the origin of Kinnesharrow or Foals Head" [Desc. Rem.]; "the man struck her with the halter" [pl];
Desc. Rem.:AL Leathanach: SL019,41
Kinnesharrow Point
"see page 41" [dúch];
Kinnasharragh Point
Suite ag rinn na gcarraigreacha ag Ceann Ráth Lao ó thuaidh ó Pholl an Chaonaigh ach ó dheas ó Gob Léana Dúna.
SO 6"

Please note: Some of the documentation from the archives of the Placenames Branch is available here. It indicates the range of research contributions undertaken by the Branch on this placename over the years. It may not constitute a complete record, and evidence may not be sequenced on the basis of validity. It is on this basis that this material is made available to the public.

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